A good Neighbour
Raymond Brown has stringent controls in place to ensure environmental protection and to ensure that we maintain relationships within the local communities in which we work. Local residents receive a point of contact and an emergency telephone number within the organisation and our site manager will liaise with them closely.
Health surveillance and monitoring is programmed in at regular intervals, this includes using specialised services to undertake occupational dust monitoring through the site CoSHH Assessment and occupational health surveillance on all staff. The HSQE Department undertake noise audits at regular intervals, working closely with our consultants and we put in place measures to reduce noise, such as muting the sensor noise from our moving plant.
We pride ourselves on the appearance of our sites and will employ road sweepers to clean and maintain the surrounding roads and site entrance on a regular basis. A visible impact assessment will be undertaken and plant on site will be positioned in such a way that that it has the minimum impact on the community.
Annual or Six Monthly Liaison Meetings
We hold regular liaison meetings with Local Authority representatives, the Environment Agency, businesses and local residents. This provides our stakeholders with the opportunity to discuss our operations and performance. These meetings are chaired by a local Councillor and minutes are circulated to all involved.
Open Days
We enjoy holding quarry open days to give the local community the opportunity to visit our facilities and learn about our operations whilst being able to chat to our employees. These consist of group site tours, dedicated viewing platforms, information boards, refreshments and games for children to make the events family friendly.