News & Press Releases

Mark Renault wins MPA Special Award for Outstanding Contribution by an Employee

Congratulations to Mark Renault, Environmental Permitting Manager, for winning the MPA Outstanding Contribution by an Employee Award. Mark has been with the business for 27 years and is one of the company’s longest serving employees. He has a particular passion for Brickworth Quarry in Wiltshire, having spent 20 years out of his 27 year career based on […]

Raymond Brown Quarry Products reaccredited with ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management System

We are pleased to announce that Raymond Brown Quarry Products has again been successful in the recertification of our ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management System and surveillance of our Quality ISO 9001 and Environmental ISO 14001 standards. Steven Laight, HSQE Manager said: “Our sites consistently demonstrate audit readiness, requiring only a small amount of […]

Brickworth Quarry’s commitment to Restoration Blossoms with 6,000 New Trees and Shrubs

A photograph, captured by one of our dedicated staff members at Brickworth Quarry, depicts the positive strides taken toward environmental restoration at Brickworth Quarry.  Following the extraction of sand and backfilling with inert material in Phases 1 and 2, the Brickworth Quarry team carefully laid PAWS (Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites) soil as per the […]

Raymond Brown Quarry Products awarded Bronze reaccreditation under the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS)

Raymond Brown Quarry Products Ltd has again been awarded the Bronze accreditation under FORS. The accreditation follows an extensive re-approval audit which ensures we meet the strict criteria set out by the FORS standards which encompass all aspects of safety, efficiency, and environmental protection. Thank you to all staff, particularly the Transport Team for their […]

Raymond Brown supports Whiteparish Cricket Club

Earlier this year, Raymond Brown Quarry Products Ltd made a donation to Whiteparish Cricket Club, which is located closely to Brickworth Quarry. This donation was aimed at supporting the club’s efforts in acquiring new youth equipment and establishing a patio area. We are pleased to learn that the final project has now been completed and […]

Black Swans pay a visit to Roke Manor Quarry

Some rare black swans visited us at Roke Manor Quarry in Romsey.  Black swans, native to Australia and rarely spotted in the UK, are large waterfowl species recognised by their black coloration and distinctive red beaks.  Thank you to Andrew Willis, Quarry Supervisor, and Nick Crouch, Plant Operator for capturing them.